SOAP Note Template for Mental Health Counselor
Updated with 2013 CPT codes
Coming up with a SOAP note template or a progress note template is not a skill typically acquired in graduate school. None the less it is a critical part of a professional counselor’s job. If the therapist works for an organization chances are they will supply their own progress note forms. But for those licensed professional counselors who wish to enter private practice they will need their own templates. See a sample of the template you will get with your kit.
Templates can be created easily enough in Microsoft Word or a form builder program. But again most counselors went to graduate school to learn how to do therapy not create progress note templates. Save yourself time, energy and frustration by purchasing a set of progress note forms that you can customize with your own letterhead. This SOAP note and Progress note kit can be downloaded and used immediately. The 8 templates are created in Microsoft Word and include both traditional (for handwriting notes) and automated templates (for typing on your computer). The kit also includes customized notes for using in conjoint sessions.
An excellent template will use both check boxes for checking off symptoms, CPT codes, mental status criteria etc. plus they will offer useful space for writing your interventions, assessment and plan. Further an excellent template will have reminders to document next appointment, fee payment and things like Rx medications. These professional progress note forms include all of the above characteristics of an excellent professional form and come with a 30 day, money back guarantee.
The kit includes OPEN FIRST instructions on how to add your own letterhead to your new forms. It also includes instructions on how to save the forms to your computer and lock them so they can be used to type in on your computer.